Become a Music at School teacher
Take part in the developpment of the youth through a musical education

These programs enable students to obtain the necessary skills to teach music in public schools at the secondary I & II levels. Trained teachers have the abiltiy to be polyvalent and their goal is to share, but also to contribute to the cultural development of their region.

In order to have the status of public school teacher, the student must follow a complementary didactic training at a HEP, after obtaining a Bachelor's or Master's degree. For teaching in public schools in the canton of Vaud, the training is completed by the Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud.

> Education of future public school music teachers

> Bachelor's and Master's programs

> Disciplines : Main instrument / Piano / Singing / Choir Conducting / Perucssions / Rhytmic / Theoretical Disciplines / Pop Music

> Locations : Lausanne and Fribourg

> Registration deadline : 1st March of every year

> More informations  : NUANCES 53 / Dossier « Musique à l’école »

Contact address :

Giulia Noto, Education Manager MUSEC

Sylvain Jaccard, Guidance Coordinator MUSEC


Please read the entire page below before registering.


The deadline to register for the entrance exams is March 1st of each year.


To be eligible, the candidate must hold either a recognized high school matura or a recognized professional matura. There is no age limit.

Instrumental levels required for entry to the MUSEC Bachelor's program (.pdf)


To be eligible, the candidate must hold a Bachelor in Music from a Swiss Music university, a diploma from a Swiss Music university or a title deemed equivalent. There is no age limit.

Admission regulations for the Master degree in Music and Performing Arts HES-SO (.pdf)

Admission requirements for the MASTER (.pdf)


Important : all the annexes of your application must be prepared before filling in the form. BA3 Musec students do not need to create a new file, they will receive an email in due time for Master registration.

Steps :


2. Prepare your application
  • 1 photo (passport size)
  • letter of motivation
  • curriculum vitae
  • list of the repertoire you have worked on already
  • programme for the entrance examination (only for Classical music)
  • copy of the high school diploma (Maturité, Baccalauréat, Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hoschulreife, General Certificate of Education, Kotogakko, etc.)
  • copy of the diplomas already obtained during your musical studies & grade transcripts
  • copy of the valid passeport or identity card
  • copy of the admission fee payment (Swiss francs 80.-, non-refundable). Please indicate under "Comment to the beneficiary" the name and surname of the candidate
  • only for Master in Music Pedagogy instrumental/vocal Teaching or Music in Schools : Bachelor and Master levels :
    • extract from the criminal records
  • only for Master in Music Pedagogy instrumental/vocal Teaching to send to :
  • only for Bachelor Music at school or Master Music at school to send to :
    • argument on the following two elements:
      • Pourquoi voulez-vous être professeur de musique à l'école ?
      • Donnez-nous votre vision de ce que devrait être la musique à l'école.
        (Environ une demi-page de réponse par question à rendre)
    • curriculum vitae essay
    • letter of motivation
3. Create your user account
4. Register administratively
5. Track the status of your application
> Questions

Enquiries :


The registration fee is CHF 80 to be paid by bank transfer:

Case Postale 300
1001 Lausanne
Clearing   767

Titulaire du compte :
Rue des Côtes-de-Montbenon 22
1003 Lausanne

Code IBAN : CH84 0076 7000 H565 5888 5

Please add a copy of the payment to your file. Please indicate under "Comment to the beneficiary" the name and surname of the candidate.
The registration fee is not refunded in case of renunciation.

Taxes and fees 2025-2026 (.pdf)
Fees for multiple applications (.pdf)


Confirmation of applicant’s enrollment in the entrance audition will be sent at the latest 15 days prior to the audition. The confirmation will specify the date, time and place of the exam.


A 10-minute interview will be held on 24 March 2025.
The entrance exams will take place on 16 or 17 April 2025.

A 10-minute interview is held on 24 March 2025.
The entrance exams take place on 16 or 17 April 2025.


In addition to instrumental skills, the candidate must have a theoretical background to enter the Bachelor's programme at the HEMU. If their level is not attested by recognised diplomas, the student will have to take a theory test if they have been selected after the instrumental test.

The theoretical exam will take place on April 2 2025.


The jury decides on the admission of candidates. It gives a grade of admitted, admissible or not admissible. A student who is deemed not to have been admitted does not have the required level to enter the HEMU.
The results of the admissions process are posted on the Internet the day after the competition or at office 104.
Students admitted to the HEMU must confirm their final registration before 31 May of each year.
During the summer, he/she will receive a letter with the detailed registration for the courses to be taken.


Regulations for Bachelor and Master studies (.pdf)


Students, and in particular foreign students, are not insured by the HEMU for accidents and illness. We therefore ask them to make the necessary arrangements, if any, and to provide proof of this at the time of registration.


Theoretical disciplines ( also admissions theoretical exams ) :
Yannick Schader - T. +41 (0)21 321 35 25

Head of Music at School :
Giulia Noto

Main instrument

(all instruments are accepted including voice or piano)

  • 2 pieces of different styles in keeping with the desired aesthetic (6-8 min. in all)
  • Level required on entry: entry into secondary 2; on leaving (after 3 years): certificate
  • Level equivalent to or higher than certificate: performance of a short piece
Piano 2nd instrument

(for non-pianists)

  • Performance of two short pieces of the candidate's (non-pianist's) choice which reveal the candidate's artistic and cultural sensitivity (2-4 min.)

Interpretation of one or more pieces that highlight the cultural and musical wealth of the candidates (~ 4min.)

Carte blanche

(free proposal)

Objective: To highlight the musical creativity of the candidates: interdisciplinary creation, possibility of integrating other people if desired (6-8 min.)

  • Singing: Vocal performance of one or more pieces that highlight the candidate's cultural and musical wealth (~ 4 min.)
  • Choral conducting: Sight-reading of a song (free choice) for 15 minutes and conducting an imposed polyphonic song with a small vocal ensembley
    Pater Noster - Stravinsky (.pdf)
  • Accompaniment :
    • Prepare 10 songs from the secondary I and II school repertoire: to be sung with piano, guitar or accordion accompaniment. A minimum of five pieces must be accompanied on the piano. Two to three pieces will be chosen by the jury during the examination.
    • Preparing the piano accompaniment of a song, the title of which will be communicated 30 minutes before the examination (for the preparation, the candidate may use the means of his/her choice (computer, telephone, etc.)
  • Piano: Performance of a short piece of free choice that reveals the candidate's artistic and cultural sensitivity (~ 2 min.)
  • Freestyle: To present a "carte blanche" musical performance that enhances the candidate's musical creativity: interdisciplinary creation, possibility of integrating other people, if desired (2-4 min.)
Complementary requirements for entry to the HEP for a Master's degree in teaching at SEC I, without a MUSEC title
  • Sing two pieces in different styles at the level end of elementary 3 (non-professional levels of the Conservatoire de Lausanne)
    Exam date: May 21, afternoon
  • Sight-reading a song for 10 minutes and conduct a polyphonic song with a small vocal ensemble
    Exam date: May 26, afternoon
  • 20 songs for children from 11 to 16 years old, including several with rhythms, transposed in 2 different keys (in addition to the original), to sing in accompaniment (three pieces chosen by the jury during the exam). List to be validated with the Head of Teaching.
    Exam date: June 2, afternoon

The programm for these exams is to be validated by Giulia Noto, Education Manager MUSEC no later than one month before the exam :

Complementary requirements for entry to the HEP for a MAS/ diploma in teaching at SEC II, without a MUSEC title
  • Sing two piece in different styles at the level end intermediate II (fin moyen II)(non-professional levels of the Conservatoire de Lausanne)
    Exam date: May 21, afternoon
  • Sight-reading a song for 10 minutes and conduct a polyphonic song with a small vocal ensemble
    Exam date: May 26, afternoon
  • 20 songs for children from 11 to 18 years old, including several with rhythms, transposed in 4 different keys (in addition to the original), to sing in accompaniment (three pieces chosen by the jury during the exam). List to be validated with the Head of Teaching.  
    Exam date: June 2, afternoon
  • A song in every keys (two keys will be chosen during the exam)

The programm for these exams is to be validated by Giulia Noto, Education Manager MUSEC no later than one month before the exam :

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